Thursday, October 29, 2015

Discontent (blog 2)

There is a book that disturbed and intrigued me at the same time. I felt uncomfortable grasping the ideas, but the awareness it imposed upon me made it unforgettable. Upon a friend's recommendation, I read some of The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. He claims to have wrote it from an "amoral" perspective, neither moral nor immoral. To me it was cynical and Machiavellian. A portion of the book sums people into typecasts, and for that I chose not to read it. But I read the rest of it. It was years ago, and I forgot most of it by now, but the one thing I remember is it's main tenet (although not explicitly cited), that "there is no desire without discontent." It changed how I saw the world, and only made more sense the more I tried to deny it.

The Art of Seduction on Amazon

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of this book and it's one I should read. Very interesting premise for consumer behavior and advertising.
